Lipstick, Ketchup, or Blood

One Sunday night I arrived at my hotel very late. I checked in, went to my room and entered the bathroom.
And what did I see on the light switch?

Was it lipstick, ketchup, or blood?

It was pretty gross, especially the thought of the latter, and mind you it was a  4 star hotel.

Did I complain? No, what good would that have done? Perhaps the housekeeper had a bad day, or had lots of rooms to clean and was in a rush to get home, after all it was Sunday. Also they might have been reprimanded, and paranoid as I am, I was worried that they would take revenge (they could do anything in my room; of course I imagined the worst).

A few weeks later, some colleagues and I were eating in the restaurant of that same 4-star hotel, and we were brought a bread basket with one of the rolls bitten.

I hoped it was bitten by a human, at least, and not a rat. Again, we didn’t say anything. They might have simply brought the same basket back without the offending roll, and I was not going to ‘mark’ some of the rolls just to see if they were the same ones (it goes without saying that none of us ate bread).

I also have a few photos with hair on the towel, soap, etc., but this is so commonplace I won’t bother posting them.

I seem to attract this kind of thing, but I think it’s just because I travel more often due to my work. I encounter a lot more of these situations than my sister, for example, who only travels for vacations, and told me she’d never come across this type of thing.

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