
Las Vegas – Hooters Casino Hotel

The image shows two plastic water bottles placed side by side on a wooden surface. Each bottle has a label with a pink border. The label on the left bottle features an image of a woman in a white top and the text "CALIF V" and "PURIFIED DRINKING WATER." The label on the right bottle has the text "CALENDAR GIRL WATER" and "HOOTERS" with an image of a woman's legs. There are green plant leaves in the background.

Yes, I stayed at Hooters, the price was too god to resist not to mention that the reviews on TripAdvisor did not seem to be as bad as the name would have implied. Actually some incredible prices were mentioned so I wondered whether I could get the same. “On my annual trip to Vegas for a trade show and stayed at Hooters. Snicker all you want but for $20 a night you can’t find a better deal.”

So I started an Excel file and I kept checking the prices. I checked not only for the day I wanted, January 12, but for the previous days as well as I was curious to see whether booking 2 days in advance or on the day of the check-in would make any difference.

The following prices are per night as I was interested to stay there only 1 night.

The image is a screenshot of a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has columns labeled "Day and time I checked" and "Room for" with dates ranging from 8-Jan to 12-Jan. The rows under "Day and time I checked" include specific times in CST (Central Standard Time) for each day from 8-Jan to 12-Jan. The cells under each date contain numerical values, some of which are highlighted in green or black. The green-highlighted cell contains the value "54.88" and the black-highlighted cell is empty.

Some interesting facts:

  • It seemed the later you booked the better the price, for example on Sunday 8 the price of room for check-in the same day was only around $38, on Monday 9 Jan for check-in Monday only around $44.
  • Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 the prices were high, I suppose because of the Consumer Electronics Show

I booked my room for Thursday on Tuesday (didn’t want to risk any more, like the price of a stock that you want and keeps falling but you feel at any moment it might go up so you decide to pull the trigger). And I was somehow right, had I waited until the last day I would have had to pay more (had I waited one more day I would have saved a few $, not too much).

I wondered how much the prices would have been this week and it seems the strategy of booking as late as possible might work.
The image is a table with the title "Day and time I checked" and "Room for" with dates 20-Jan, 19-Jan, and 18-Jan. The table shows data for Wednesday, 18 January, at two different times: 13:30 CST and 20:00 CST. For 20-Jan, the values are 77.28 at 13:30 CST and 60.48 at 20:00 CST. For 19-Jan, the value is 33.6 for both times. For 18-Jan, the value is 26.88 for both times.

They are quite funny:

The image is a sign from Hooters Casino Hotel that reads:

"really need clean sheets?

Unless you had a wild time last night, help Hooters Casino Hotel conserve water by going without clean sheets for a day. (Face it, you don't wash your sheets every day, do you? And if you do, we have immediate openings in housekeeping.) Leave this card on the bed to indicate that you want clean sheets. Leave this card anywhere else if you can go without. Thanks.

Hooters Casino Hotel... helping to protect our environment, because we've all got to live here. Not necessarily in this hotel, but definitely in this world."

The Hooters logo is at the bottom of the sign.

The image shows two signs with text. The top sign reads: "IF YOU WANT TO WASH DISHES ENTER HERE! THIS IS THE SERVICE ELEVATOR. PLEASE PROCEED TO THE OTHER END OF THE HALLWAY FOR OUR ELEVATOR. Thank you, Your Friends At Hooters Casino Hotel." The bottom sign reads: "SERVICE ELEVATOR ONLY PLEASE PROCEED TO OTHER END OF HALLWAY FOR GUEST ELEVATOR." Both signs have orange text on a dark background.

The disadvantage of not eating meat, why would they not offer a free vegetables dinner ? Maybe because the statistics show that vegetarians don’t gamble (really don’t know whether it is true I just made it up).

The image shows a promotional sign for a "Free Steak Dinner" at Cattlemen's Ranch Steakhouse. The offer is valid from January 1-31, 2012, between 11 AM and 11 PM. The sign specifies that an out-of-state ID is required and that the offer is limited to one per customer per visit. The sign also mentions that the purchase of a beverage is required for the free steak dinner. The background of the sign is dark, and it is illuminated by a warm, reddish light.

The conclusion is that it is not a luxurious hotel but I might stay again if the price is right.
They even sent me a survey (the proper way, not like other surveys): Upon completion, you will be entered into our contest for a chance to win a 2 Night Stay, $50 Food and Beverage Credit and Airport Transportation in an Official Hooters Casino Hotel Escalade!

And no, I did not keep the water bottles.


  1. This place is reported to be auctioned off next month as they can’t afford it anymore. Hope its going to be something nice

  2. Some background on my perspective about hotel accommodations: I can rough it like the best of ’em and when at Vegas only view hotel rooms as a way to get a few hours of shut-eye nightly to get recharged before enjoying another full day @ Vegas (though I value a comfy bed and clean room). I purchased a few consecutive nights at this property via a limited Priceline offer a few years back and snagged 3 nights for less than $9/night, AI. From the very first night, I couldn’t believe how poorly this hotel was both maintained and serviced; so bad, in fact, that I departed for another hotel after the 2nd night and really not hesitating in having to unexpectedly pay out-of-pocket for that room (unanticipated expense). So bad was Hooters that I didn’t feel that the $9/night rate was nearly the steal I had originally thought. Here’s a for instance: noticed a dead cockroach in their fitness center carpet on day one in plain view to me and other patrons. Returned 24 hrs later to find the critter in still a prominent location on the carpet less than 12 inches from its original spot. Deal-breaker.

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