
‘Picture Your Upgrade’ by Star Alliance

I very rarely participate in competitions especially if they involve downloading an app and having ‘tasks’.

However, I made an exception for Star Alliance’s “Picture your Upgrade” promotion which is running until April 4th.
I would not say it is fun to use but at least the tasks seem easy to do. And of course, I had to do some explaining (to my work colleagues) why I took photos of airport seats but that’s it. The image consists of two sections. The left section shows a dark background with a geometric, circular design in the center and the text "PICTURE YOUR UPGRADE" below it. The right section contains a promotional message for Star Alliance Gold Status, explaining the benefits and how to register. There is a world map in the background with a boarding pass graphic overlaying it. At the bottom, there is a yellow button labeled "REGISTER" with a right arrow.

From Terms & Conditions:
To complete a live task, take 3 photographs of the specified item outlined in the live tasks tab. Each photo must be taken in an airport. Only one photo can be taken per day at an airport. Two Photographs cannot be submitted from the same airport on the same day for an individual task. You can however submit a photo from the same airport on a different day for that live task. A location is defined as an individual airport e.g. London Heathrow Airport, London Gatwick etc.

The current live tasks are:
Take 3 photos of any of Star Alliance member plane
Neither the task itself nor the rules of the competition say it has to be of a different plane or a different alliance member only the airport can’t be the same. So an Air Canada plane will be.
Take 3 photos of Star Alliance priority baggage tags
This one seemed difficult for me as I didn’t want to hang around in the check-in area of the international flights and stare at people’s baggage trying to figure out whether the tags were priority than ask people’s permission to take a photo.
But again no mentioning that the priority tag has to be of a different alliance member and not even a different priority tag so I will take a photo of mine.

How do they know the airport is not the same? The photo is geo-tagged .
1. By entering the promotion, all participants allow DDB UK to:
a. Anonymously track and report user’s activity inside of this application;
b. Allow DDB UK to use the geo-location information on the images

For my iPhone I have to set the Location Services on in order for the app to work so I do it before I take the photo then turn it back off. I always keep Location Services off as I don’t have any app that requires it; if any app needs Location Services it gets deleted right away in the very unlikely event I installed it in the first place. The main reason is that ‘Location Services’ on drains the battery.

Once the Weekly Challenge is closed you can still participate in the Grand Prize task. To enter into the Grand Prize task, participants simply need to share one photograph on Facebook. Each photo shared acts as a single entry; so the more you share the better your chances of winning. You can only share a maximum of 21 photos for the Grand Prize task. Photos have to be shared before the end of the Promotion in order to be accepted.

I rarely use Facebook but I still have a reputation ðŸ™‚ so I will not share any photograph, but I can use this account on Facebook as the rules don’t say anything about using a ‘real’ account.

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