Radisson ‘Sleep Number’ bed

I was excited before checking in for the first time at a Radisson hotel with ‘Sleep Number’ beds. Usually I don’t sleep well and travelling every week just compounds the problem. However, a bed that you can adjust the bed’s firmness to your liking seemed to be the answer to the nights I toss and turn on my bed (and these nights unfortunately make up the majority of the nights I travel).

I knew I would have to find my number – soft or hard – but I was willing to test. And I tested with different settings and it didn’t make any difference. They don’t seem to be the ‘miracle’ bed and I realize if they were everyone would have them. Men spend around one third of their life in bed so a ‘Sleep Number’ bed would be purchased by (almost) everyone irrespectively of the price of such a bed.
The image shows a promotional poster for Radisson's new Sleep Number beds. The poster features a neatly made bed with white linens and a yellow throw blanket at the foot. The bed is flanked by two nightstands, each with a lamp and a small plant. Above the bed are two framed landscape paintings. The text on the poster reads:

"Try our new Sleep Number® beds!
Experience a better sleep at the touch of a button:
:: Control the firmness of your side of the bed
:: Adjust air chambers to gently cushion your body
:: Relax in new luxurious duvets and comforters, linens and pillows

What's your Sleep Number®? Ask the Front Desk about a room with our new Sleep Number® beds. It will eliminate tossing and turning and provide instant relief from back pain. You'll drift off to sleep in total comfort and awaken relaxed and refreshed."

The Radisson logo is also visible at the bottom right corner of the poster.
The image shows a close-up of a wired remote control device, likely for adjusting a hospital bed or a recliner. The remote has four directional buttons arranged in a square pattern and a small display screen. The device is resting on a white surface, possibly a bed or a pillow.


  1. I tried a sleep number bed at at b n b in Maine some years back and had the same opinion. No number was right and we tried for 3 nights.

  2. I think too much choice is a bad thing. I am generally dissatisfied with whatever I choose and wonder if I would have been better off. If there’s no choice, then I can’t worry about it and usually fall asleep just fine.

  3. I stayed on one in a Radisson that wouldn’t hold air. The number would always go back to near zero after a few mins. Bad night sleep.

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