Canadian Budget 2012 Proposal – New Travellers’ Exemption Limits

It was supposed to be an austerity budget and it is except this part that will reduce the federal budget by $13 million in 2012–13 and by $17 million in 2013–14 but they say: “This measure will facilitate cross-border travel by streamlining the processing of returning Canadian travellers who have made purchases while outside Canada.”

The budget proposes that the travellers’ exemption limits will increase to $200 for an absence of more than 24 hours (current limit: $50), $800 for an absence of more than 48 hours (current limit: $400) and $800 for an absence of more than 7 days (current limit: $750).

The image is a table titled "New Travellers' Exemption Limits." The table has three columns: "Length of Absence," "Current Limits," and "Limits as of June 1, 2012." The rows indicate the following information:

1. For an absence of more than 24 hours, the current limit is $50, and the limit as of June 1, 2012, is $200.
2. For an absence of more than 48 hours, the current limit is $400, and the limit as of June 1, 2012, is $800.
3. For an absence of more than 7 days, the current limit is $750, and the limit as of June 1, 2012, is $800.

Once when my wife and I returned to Canada from the U.S. after a 3 day trip the customs officers were so surprised that we didn’t declare anything that they took us aside to check our baggage and of course they did not find anything. We had not bought any shoes, clothes, etc. that apparently are cheaper in the U.S.; my wife couldn’t find anything that would have cost less than what she would have found (she is a bargain hunter) back home in Canada (however we did not go to the famous outlets as we had neither the inclination nor the time to do so).



  1. “$800 for an absence of more than 48 hours (current limit: $400)”

    The current limit more than 48 hours but less than 7 days is currently $200, it will go up to $400 not $800 as you indicated 🙂

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