‘UEFA Champions League 2012 – Your Ticket Application has been unsuccessful’

Alt text: "Banner for the UEFA Champions League Munich Final 2012. The banner features the UEFA Champions League logo on the left, the text 'Munich Final 2012' in the center, and an image of the Champions League trophy on the right."

We are sorry to inform you that, as a result of the lottery process, your ticket application for the UEFA Champions League Final 2012 has not been successful.

I have received the ‘terrible’ news this morning. And I still don’t know how the algorithm worked, not that it matters now.

I asked Customer Service: “I marked the checkbox: If the price category that I have applied for is not available anymore, I accept to receive tickets in another price category. The amount due will be adapted accordingly.
What does it mean? Is there any order of preferrence? If I chose Category 3 will the system try to allocate first Category 4 or Category 2? How does it work?”

And they told me to read the FAQ. I had read it before and it didn’t say. However I read it again and it explained the position of the seats (the website didn’t). And then I decided to cancel my previous application and apply for the most expensive ticket. I would still pay lots of money to get there so why not have the best seat. And it is maybe once in a lifetime opportunity.

The image is a list of ticket prices for an event, categorized by seating position. The categories and their corresponding prices are as follows:

- Price Category 1 (centrally positioned): 370 EUR
- Price Category 2 (mainly in the corners on all tiers): 260 EUR
- Price Category 3 (mainly in the upper tier in the corners): 160 EUR
- Price Category 4 (behind the goals on the upper tier): 70 EUR
- Price Youth Package (1 Child & 1 Adult): 140 EUR

Also, I figured I stand better chances to get other ticket and I do not know why but I had thought I would win one. I was almost certain so I have already planned my vacation around the day of the final. I will try again next year but I would have liked to visit Munich.



  1. Unfortunately, I got the same ‘unsuccessful’ email. A little disappointed as I would have loved to have gone.

  2. Go anyway! I was in Madrid for it a couple years ago, and while I also didn’t win the “lottery”, the atmosphere surrounding the stadium was amazing.

  3. @Mike
    Good idea, I wonder whether they will show the match on big screens or maybe not due to security reasons.

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