
Ryanair asked its female flight attendants to lose weight or did they?

Globe and Mail said: It’s insulting enough that Ryanair asked its female flight attendants to lose weight so the carrier could save fuel.
So I had to google and find out whether Ryanair really asked this:
The Huffington Post: But the real kicker is what flight attendants have been asked to do. Airline spokesman Stephen McNamara told The Telegraph: “We encourage staff to watch their weight – with the motivation of appearing in the annual Ryanair calendar.
So there is a difference between asking and encouraging.
I went to the source as well (the article in The Telegraph): “We cut costs wherever possible, and the changes will represent a significant reduction in weight,” said Stephen McNamara, a spokesman for Ryanair. “We also considered removing armrests, but decided against it. We even encourage staff to watch their weight – with the motivation of appearing in the annual Ryanair calendar.”
The image is a promotional cover for the "Ryanair Cabin Crew Charity Calendar 2012." It features six women in lingerie posing in front of a Ryanair airplane on a runway. The text on the image reads "The girls of Ryanair," "CABIN CREW CHARITY CALENDAR," and "2012." The bottom of the image mentions that proceeds go to charity.

The image shows two covers of a calendar featuring women in swimwear posing on rocks by the sea. The left cover has three women with the text "Karolina, Margarita & Angela" and "Ryanair" at the top. The right cover has seven women with the text "The girls of RYANAIR" and "CABIN CREW CHARITY CALENDAR 2010" at the top. The background of both covers features a clear blue sky and ocean.
However, it seems in not such a distant future passengers will be charged according to their weight.

It [Raynair] has also been a vocal supporter of an airline “fat tax”, under which overweight passengers would be asked to pay more.

Some of the comments for The Telegraph article:
Passengers should be charged according to their weight, since increased weight causes increased fuel consumption. Such a charge would, of course, be a genuine “Environmental Tax”. Perhaps, obese passengers should get wider seats if they pay accordingly?
Since I weigh a mere 60 kg (133 lbs), then I would support such a measure – especially when I am forced to sit next to some fat b*st*d whose stomach is overflowing into my space.

When you arrive at the airport you should be weighed.
Persons deemed to be overweight (based on height and medical charts) should pay an excess.  It will encourage a healthier lifestyle and thus there will be more room for “normal” passengers sitting next to fatties.  Also; Aircraft will be more lightly laden – especially as cheats wearing special many-pocketed coats will be caught out at the weigh-in.


  1. A godd haha I guess. OTOH. I would LOVE to see airfares charged and Pound-Miles! Heck yes!

  2. I support this 1000%

    I watch what I eat and hit the gym 3-5 times/wk, and so should any other capable person. By capable, I mean able to live without the direct support of others.

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