
$20 million class action against Air Canada

From the law firm’s site:

“On May 7, 2012, Thomson, Rogers issued a $20 million class action against Air Canada on behalf of the 95 passengers of AC 878 en route from Toronto to Zurich on January 13, 2011.

During the flight, passengers were subjected to violent forces as the aircraft was suddenly put into a steep dive. Many passengers were catapulted out of their seats striking the roof and interior of the cabin.

Following the incident, an Air Canada spokesperson stated on January 14, 2011 that the incident was caused by unexpected turbulence. However, on April 16, 2012, the Transport Safety Board of Canada issued a Report identifying the true cause for this terrifying episode as the deliberate actions of a confused pilot who was waking from an extended sleep.

At no time prior to the Report being made public were passengers provided any explanation for the terrifying episode other than the suggestion of turbulence. In fact, Air Canada entered into purported settlements with passengers for modest compensation without explaining what they knew to be the true cause for the terrifying episode.

The Class Action claim alleges that Air Canada covered up the true cause for the terrifying episode and claims punitive damages to punish their conduct.”

I wrote about this incident in the post ‘Sleepy Pilot Thought Venus Was a Plane‘.

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