Air Canada – Best International Airline in North America

It’s quite old news but only recently did I read about it.

“Air Canada has been named the ‘Best International Airline in North America’ in a worldwide survey of air travelers for the Skytrax World Airline Awards. In what Skytrax termed “a remarkable repeat success”, it is the third consecutive year Air Canada has ranked among the top global carriers in the awards, which surveyed more than 18 million passengers worldwide.” (emphasis mine)

“”For the third consecutive year, Air Canada customers have ensured that the airline achieves its deserved recognition by winning the award for the Best International Airline in North America. This hat-trick result is an excellent achievement and Air Canada must be proud of this customer recognition of quality consistency. Air Canada is clearly a favourite airline amongst passengers and it is noteworthy that it has also maintained its place in the top-25 global airlines,” said Edward Plaisted of Skytrax.”Alt text: "Screenshot of an Air Canada webpage. The top section features the Air Canada logo and a 75th-anniversary emblem. Below, there are navigation tabs for 'Book Travel,' 'Manage My Bookings,' 'Special Offers,' 'Information & Services,' and 'Miles & Partners.' A banner reads 'WE'RE THRILLED TO WIN. AGAIN.' Below the banner, there are social media icons and sharing options. The main text highlights Air Canada's commitment to making travel easy and comfortable, mentioning features like personal touch-screen TVs, power outlets, and fully flat beds in Executive First Suites. It also notes Air Canada's awards, including 'Best International Airline in North America' by Skytrax and Global Traveler Magazine."


  1. Hahahahaha…yeah whatever. They love to write about their useless “awards” which really mean nothing. However, when it comes to their FFs they screw us over like nobody’s business, never mind that the IFE is always crashing, they collect obscene YQ on Aeroplan rewards(a total scam), they jack up their fares and then put on a “sale” where prices are more than they were before or are after the “sale”, they force us to play upgrade roulette, Tango Plus (need I say more)etc etc….Back it up with real service and maybe we could talk! Meh 🙁

  2. its like basically selecting lesser of the evils.. The airline industry in North America is total crap

  3. Aeroplan has lost so much of its value over these past few years. Not worth it anymore to strive for Elite or Super Elite just to play aerolotto. You can buy LMU and trump those with status.
    Overpriced old pods (time to clean up and update biz class)
    With the low cost carrier starting soon I think AC will lose rank. What a mess and what a shame.

  4. Air Canada will be re-branding the entire airline with the arrival of the B787. New livery, new seats, the IFE will be ipads, things are looking up!

  5. YYZ, let’s hope so since at the moment it is a sad state of affairs. I’m not that optimistic though as I see them heading for bankruptcy down the road again with this management(certainly more government bailouts will come).
    BTW I’m just a FF – no bias.

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