Munich 6 – The Place Where You Can Sleep from 7.50 Euro (9.4 USD)!

Alt text: A logo with a bright green background featuring the text "THE TENT - MUNICH" in pink and "KAPUZINERHÖLZL" in blue. The logo also includes a blue outline of a building with two towers and three blue stars.
It is a … tent. I was so curious to see it – and if I ever have to stay there I hope it will be for fun and not financial reasons ๐Ÿ™‚ – and take the customarily photos that the Tent made the list of what to see in Munich the moment I read about it.

So one afternoon after I had visited the ‘Deutsches Museum’ I took the tram and I was prepared for a 30 min. journey. However, it was so hot I and the thought of a 1 l mug of Radler in a beer garden I had been thinking of all day was so powerful that I could no longer bear staying in the tram, so suddenly I changed my objective: a beer garden in the ‘Englischer Garten’.  I won’t get a feel of the Tent but I will read about it later I reasoned.  

And yes it does seem a lot of fun (FAQ here) and apparently it is closer to the city center (location here) than what I had thought.

RatesThe image is a price list for accommodation options during two different periods: the normal season (6.6 - 20.9.2012) and Oktoberfest (21.9 - 8.10.2012). 

For the normal season:
- Floorspace in the FloorTent (including blankets and foam mat) costs 7.50 € per person.
- Bed in the BedTent (including blankets) costs 10.50 € per person.
- Camping options:
  - Small tent (1-3 persons) costs 5.50 € per tent.
  - Medium tent (4-10 persons) costs 11.00 € per tent.
  - Big tent (11-30 persons) costs 16.50 € per tent.

For Oktoberfest:
- Floorspace in the FloorTent (including blankets and foam mat) costs 14.00 € per person.
- Bed in the BedTent (including blankets) costs 23.00 € per person.
- Camping options:
  - Small tent (1-3 persons) costs 8.00 € per person.
  - Medium tent (4-10 persons) costs 31.00 € per tent.
  - Big tent (11-30 persons) costs 41.00 € per tent.


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