The Finalist for Star MegaDO 4

The image shows a "Date and Time" settings window from a computer. The window displays the current date as Sunday, October 07, 2012, and the time as 11:45:24 PM. There is an analog clock on the left side showing the same time. Below the date and time, the time zone is listed as (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada). There are buttons labeled "Change date and time..." and "Change time zone...". The window also has tabs for "Date and Time," "Additional Clocks," and "Internet Time."It is getting very exciting, fewer than 15 minutes to go.

Europe – The Final Countdown

Did you know that RANDOM.ORG is a true random number service that generates randomness via atmospheric noise?

The contest is officially closed. The last comment was at 11:04 PM #155.

Alt text: "A screenshot from a blog titled 'The Skeptical Traveler' with a post dated October 8, 2012, at 12:00 am."

The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface from the website RANDOM.ORG. The interface has fields for minimum and maximum values, with the minimum set to 1 and the maximum set to 155. There is a "Generate" button below these fields, and a "Result" section below the button. The interface is powered by RANDOM.ORG.

And now I press ‘Generate’
The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface. It has fields for "Min" and "Max" values, which are set to 1 and 155, respectively. There is a "Generate" button, and below it, the "Result" is displayed as 17. The interface is powered by RANDOM.ORG.

17 is the winner
The image shows text that reads:

"17. sam said,

View from the wing"

Sorry ‘sam’, you did not comply with the rules: “You must leave your legal given name and first letter of your surname as your name in the comment”

Now the second draw
The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface. The minimum value is set to 1, and the maximum value is set to 155. The "Generate" button is visible, and the result displayed is 73. The interface is powered by RANDOM.ORG.

73 is the winner
The image is a screenshot of a comment section. The comment is numbered 73 and is written by someone named Nancy O. The comment reads: "Just found Boarding Area (yesterday, when searching for travel credit card info), initiated Google Reader, then RSS’ed Mommy Points, Marshall Jackson, Deals We Like, One Mile at a Time, Road Warriorette, View from the Wing and Skeptical Traveler!"

Congratulations Nancy!

First alternative winner
The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface from the website RANDOM.ORG. The interface includes fields for the minimum and maximum values, which are set to 1 and 155, respectively. There is a "Generate" button, and below it, the result is displayed as 94. The interface is powered by RANDOM.ORG.The image shows a comment labeled as number 94. The comment is from a person named Michael V and reads: "Wandering Aramean, Mommy Points, and View from the Wing."

Second alternative winner
The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface from RANDOM.ORG. The minimum value is set to 1, and the maximum value is set to 155. The generated result displayed is 77. There is a "Generate" button below the input fields for the minimum and maximum values.The image shows a list of text with the following content:

"77. Bill N said,

Frequent Miler
View from the wing
One mile at a time
Mommy points
Delta poits"

It is 12:40 am MT. Good Night!

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