New York Times, 2012: The Year in Pictures

Here is a list of photos with a flying theme that I compiled from the New York Times, 2012: The  Year in Pictures.The image shows a flooded urban street at night. The street is filled with water, and a person is seen walking through the flood. Buildings line both sides of the street, and there are cars partially submerged in the water. The streetlights and some building lights are on, casting reflections on the water. The text "The Year in Pictures" and "Text by Colin McGowan" is visible in the bottom left corner of the image.

Mitt Romney tossed snacks to members of his press pool before his plane left Jacksonville, Fla., on Jan. 30. (Jan.-Feb., 3rd photo);

The space shuttle Discovery, bolted to a modified jet, above Washington on April 17, en route to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. (March-April, 10th);

President Obama boarded Air Force One in Boston on June 26 for a flight to Atlanta for a campaign swing through two states. (May-June, 10th);

On June 23, a plane dropped fire retardant on a blaze that had grown to an estimated 600 acres near Colorado Springs, Colo. (May-June, 11th);

Bobby Batts, a logistics manager, carried a painting of the Obama family from Air Force One after a day of campaigning in Florida and Ohio on Oct. 23. A former campaign volunteer gave the artwork to the president at a rally in Dayton, Ohio. (Sept.-Oct., 9th);

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan spoke on the tarmac in Denver before leaving on separate campaign planes on Oct. 24. Mr. Ryan left for Ohio, and Mr. Romney’s next stop was in Nevada.  (Sept.-Oct., 10th);

President Obama arrived at a campaign event in Lima, Ohio, on Nov. 2, just days before the election. (Nov.-Dec., 4th);


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