“Travel Deemed More Important than Marriage & Starting a Family”

This is according to G Adventures 2013 Happiness Survey; at least 83% of respondents “said travel is very important to their happiness. In fact, in terms of making people happy travel was deemed more important than marriage and having a baby.”

“According to the survey, travelling is more important to women than men. While men prefer to travel with their other half, women ranked “friends” as their ideal globetrotting companion. Family members are the least popular people to travel with and a surprising eight per cent of people in a relationship prefer to travel solo. ”

“When asked what aspect of travel makes respondents most happy, “new experiences” topped the list, followed by “culture” and “meeting new people”. Australia and New Zealand are the most desired destinations and nearly half (46%) of those surveyed enjoy engaging in active experiences when travelling.

Furthermore, more than half (57%) prefer to celebrate a happy occasion such as a birthday or anniversary somewhere abroad or overseas. When not travelling, 60 per cent of respondents find inspiration researching travel online.”

The image is an infographic about the importance of travel to happiness. It includes the following information:

- A question at the top left asks, "When it comes to your happiness, is travel important?"
- 83% of respondents consider travel very important, 16% somewhat important, and 1% would rather stay home.
- The infographic features illustrations of a suitcase, a backpack, and a camera.
- The section titled "What travel aspect makes you most happy?" shows that 68% of people are happiest with new experiences, 15% with culture, and 17% with other aspects.
- The section titled "Who are you happiest travelling with?" shows that 35% prefer traveling with friends, 32% with a partner, 25% solo, and 11% with family.
- A large green "71%" indicates that 71% agree that traveling is more vital to their happiness than retirement, having a baby, buying a car, getting married, being promoted, or purchasing a home.

Full article including some other nice info-graphics here

Today is the world’s first International Happiness Day but I have decided to be a contrarian and be sad today. I will (try to) be happy for the rest of the year.

Twitter @curbexcitement

One Comment

  1. this is hilarious! I’m having twins in 4 months, and will be grounded for awhile, but I dont think I wouldve skipped having kids in order to keep flying on A380’s and Suites.
    Great post! thanks for sharing!

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