Hollywood Walk of Fame

Another must for anyone who visits L.A. is the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As usual, Wikipedia is the place to go for additional information: Below the inscription, in the lower half of the star field, a round inlaid brass emblem indicates the category of the honoree’s contributions. The emblems symbolize five categories within the entertainment…

New Terminal at Winnipeg’s International Airport

The new terminal opened on October 30 and it does seem very clean, modern and efficient. Wikipedia: “A major project involving the construction of a new terminal was completed in 2011. The terminal was designed by the world famous architect César Pelli[11]. The new terminal, is located northeast of the existing terminal, was constructed in two…


I flew the other day Air Canada to Vancouver. IFE didn’t work so they offered us a free drink. I didn’t want to drink alcohol so I thought I would go for a Perrier. But my neighbor (a girl) ordered a Sangria,  I was surprised – since then do they have Sangria ? – so…

Muscle Beach

I remember seeing some old movies and documentaries about bodybuilders training on a beach in Los Angeles. It was the famous Muscle Beach. I was recently in LA and had to see it. I wanted to exercise among the bodybuilders there; I would have posted the video on YouTube and people would have laughed so…