Contest, 17 Air Canada eUpgrades – Deadline Sunday 11:11

The link for the contest is here

Europe – The Final Countdown

I will use RANDOM.ORG to choose the winner.

Did you know that RANDOM.ORG is a true random number service that generates randomness via atmospheric noise?

The post has 13 comments (around 4 PM PST). The site is down now! I will try later.

The post has 15 comments now (9 PM PST). However, last 3 comments are after the deadline so they will not be taken into consideration.The image shows a "True Random Number Generator" interface from the website RANDOM.ORG. The interface includes fields for the minimum and maximum values, which are set to 1 and 12, respectively. There is a "Generate" button, and below it, the result displayed is 11.

Comment #11 is from Wei.

Wei, I will contact you.

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